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Each post on this website is first and foremost related to a particular country. On the homepage, you find that each icon on the map takes you to my various plans for the country/area it is placed on.
But these plans are also split and marked into four different categories: places I want to visit, accommodation I want to stay in, experiences I want to have, and future lifestyles I'd like to lead.
So in other words, the website can be scanned according to these secondary categories too.

Accommodation: locations I want to spend a night

Place: cities or countries that I want to visit

Experience: things that I want to see or do

Future: a potential life I'd like to lead at some point

Accommodation: locations I want to spend a night


So if you'd rather scan within each of these groups, then just click on one of the icons up there, and they'll take you to the respectively related postings, regardless of country.


You can also scan the blog via the general tags I use on each post,
these are displayed below, as well as in the sidebar on the 'Blog' page.

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