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Hi. My name is Bec.

And I dream of travelling.

Well, I dream about planning going travelling. 

I'm an organiser. I enjoy organising and planning things. And I also love travelling. I've been on a few trips so far, but that's only whet my whistle for more travel. I'm also studying to be a high school teacher which has lead me down a deep, dark alley of organisation - let's just say it invovles lots of colour-coordinated highlighting. So really it was only a matter of time until these two passions came to a head; met each other, fell in love, and after a whirlwind romance, gave birth to a new passion for planning traveling.


So I now spend my procrastination time planning potential trips that I'd one day like to make. This blog came about because I needed somewhere to vent these different plans out so that I could free up some space in my head. First and foremost it's a way for me to sort myself out, but if it captures the attention of others, then that's just awesome!


Each one of the trips planned on this website is something I'd love to do. Many of them have grown out of the experiences I've already been lucky enough to have, leaving me with a desire to revisit them in a different way. Others have developed from stories I've heard or sought out and wish to make my own. In my ideal world, I'll be 90 years old, looking back on my life having done each and every single one of these trips. But we'll just see how we go, shall we?

   WHO AM I   

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